The New York Times(2024.01.24)


After 7 decades of talk show stardom, she's ready for 1 more (70年間のトークショウの頂点に立って、もう10年100歳になるまで頑張りたい。)
子供番組に出演の24歳の黒柳徹子さん1958年。 90歳になった黒柳徹子さんは『徹子の部屋』で中村勘三郎Yと対談を行う。


Pushing a walker through television studio in centrall Tokyo last week, Tetsuko Kuroyanagi slowly climbed three steps onto a sound stage with the heko of an assistant who stttled her into a creamy beige Empire armchair.


A atylist removed the custom-made sturdy boots on her feet and slipped on a pair of high-heeled mules. A makeup artist brushed he cheeks and touched up her blazing red lipstick. A hair-dresser tamed a few stray wisps from her trademark onion-shaoed hairstyle an another assistabt ran a lint roller over her embroider black jacket. With that, Ms. Kuroyanagi, 90, was ready to record the 12,193rd episode of her show.


As one of Japan's best-known entertainers for seven decades, Ms. Kuroyanagi has interviewed guests on her talk show, "Tetsuko's room," since 1976, earning a Guinness World Record last fall for most episodes hosted by the same presenter. Generations of Japanese celebrities across film, television, music, theater and sports have visited Ms. Kuroyanagi couch, along with American stars like Meryl Streep and Lady Gaga; Prince Philip of England; and Mikhail Gorbachev, the former leader of the Soviet Union. Ms. Kuroyanagi said Mr. Gorbachev remains one of her all-time favorite guests.


Ms. Kuroyanagi, who jokes that she wants to keep going until she turns 100, in known for her rapid-fire chatter and knack for drawing out guests on topics like dating, divorce and, now, increasingly, death. Even as she works, to woo a younder generation - the Korean-Canadian actor and singer Ahn Hyo-seop, 28, appeared on the show this month - many of her guests these days speak about the ailments of aging and the demise of their industry peers.


Having servived World War U, she brioke out as an early actor on Japanese television and then carved out a niche as a feel-good interviewer with a distinctive style that is still instantly recognized almost everywhere in Japan. By fashioning herself into a character, rather than simply being the person who interviewed the characters, she helped establish a genre of a Japanese performers known as"tarento" - a Japanese version of the English word "talent" - who are ubiquitous on television today.
アーロン・ジェロウ(Aaron Gerow)は、イェール大学の東アジア文学および映画の教授であり、「彼女は実際にはテレビの歴史の具現のような存在なのです」と述べています。

"In some ways she really is like the embodiment of TV history" in Japan, said Aaron Gerow, a professor of East Asian literature and film at Yale University.


Ms. Kuroyanagi is distingushed above all by her longevity, but she was also a trailbiazing woman in an over-whelmingly male ennvironment.


When she started as a variety show host in 1972, if she asked a question, "I was told I should just keep my mouth shut," she recalled in a nearly two-hour interview in a hotel near the studio where she was taped three episodes earlier in the day.



"I do think Japan has changed from that era," she said.

彼女はろう者の支援者であり、国際連合児童基金(UNICEF)の親善大使でもあります。しかし、批評家たちは、彼女が先駆的なキャリアを持ちながらも、女性の権利推進にはあまり寄与していないと指摘しています。「彼女は、栄えある昔ながらの日本のアイコンです」と、東京大学のメディア研究の教授である林香織がメールで述べています。 She has championed the deaf and is a good-will ambassador for UNICEFF, the United Nations Children's Fund. Yet critics say that despite her pioneering career, she has done little to advance women's causes."She is an icon for prosperous, good-old" Japan, wrote Kaori Hayashi, a professor of media studies of the University of Tokyo, in an email message.
インタビューでは、黒柳徹子さんは多くの部屋で唯一の女性であることの不快な経験には触れませんでした。彼女は30代と40代の間、テレビ業界の男性からデートの誘いや結婚の提案を受けたことを語り、これらの申し出がしばしば歓迎されなかったことをほのめかしました。また、今では不適切と考えられるかもしれないコメントには冗談として対処していたと述べています。 In the inerview, Ms. Kuroyanagi did not dwell on the indignities of being the sole woman in many romms. She said that in her 30s and 40s, men in the television industry asked her on dates or proposed marriage - offers that she implied were often unwelcome - and that she treated comments that might now be considered inappropriate as jokes.
In a society that she said retained "feudalist" elements in gender relations, she advised women to bootstrap their way through their career.
彼女は言いました。「女性だから何もできないと言わないでください。」 "Don't ever say you can't do anything because you are a woman," she said.
彼女は言いました。「子供向け番組に出演するためにテレビに入ったと言っていましたが、結局結婚も子供も持たなかったんです。『特異な仕事だと、独身でいる方がいいわ。もっと快適だから』と彼女は言いました。」 Although she said she entered television because she wanted to appear in children's programming to prepare for motherfood, she never married or had children. "With a unique job , it's better to stay single," she said. "It's more comfortable."

彼女の最初の回顧録は、東京の変わった進歩的な小学校に通った彼女の子供時代についてで、1981年に出版された「トットちゃん 窓際の少女」は、世界中で2500万部以上を売り上げています。

Her first memoir, about her chudhood attendig an unusual progressive elementary school in Tokyo, "Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Windows", published in 1981, has sold more than 25 million copies worldwide.
昨秋、彼女は続編を出版し、第二次世界大戦中の日本の過酷な状況を振り返りました。ある日は15粒の煎り豆だけが食べ物で、彼女と母親は東京上空の空襲から避難するために防空壕に身を寄せていました。 Last fall, she published a sequel recounting the harsh conditions in Japan during World War U, when some days all she had to eat were 15 roasted beans, and she and her mother cowerd in a dugout to shelter from air raids over Tokyo.
彼女は、ロシアの侵攻後にウクライナから発表された映像に一部触発され、続編を書くことになりました。黒柳さんは自らの戦時中の子供時代の思い出をたどり、母親が家族を東京から北日本に避難させた時のことを振り返りました。 She said she was inspired to write the sequel in part by the images she saw coming out of Ukraine after the Russian invasion. Ms. Kuroyanaagi plumbed her own memories of a wartime childhood, when her mother evacuated the family out of Tokyo to northern Japan.


”Even though I haven't said war is bad, " she said, "I want people to understand what it wad like for a child to experience the war."


Ms. Kuroyanagi maintains a childlike quality herserlf. For the interview , she switched out of her signature onion hair bun, concealing her own hair under an ash-blond Shairley Temp;-style curly bob wig , secured with an enormous black velvet bow.


It is all part of a nonthreatening persona she has cultivated over the decades. "She's kind of adorable and cute," said Kimiko Nemoto, a professor of management in the School of Business Administration at Senshu University in Tokyo, where she focuses on gender issues. "She doesn't cristize anything or bring up anything political or say any negative things."


That may be why, Mr. Gorbachev aside, Ms. Kuroyanagi has avoided interviews with politicians. "It's too difficult for them to really tell the truth," she said,. "And I can't make all of them all look good."


Although sometimes compared to Barbara Walters, the groundbreaking American newswoman , Ms. Kuroyanagi does not push her interview subjects hard. Producers ask in advance what topics guests want to avoid or promote, and Ms. Kurouanagi tends to oblige.


”What I put the highest priority on is that I control the situtation with guests so that the audience will not think the guest is a weired or bad person," Ms. Kuroyanagi said, "If possible I want the audience to realize, 'Oh, this person is quite nice'.'"

2001年にゴルバチョフ氏が彼女の番組に出演した際、黒柳さんは政治の話題を避けました。その代わりに、彼女は彼にお気に入りの詩人について尋ね、彼は19世紀のロマン派詩人ミハイル・レールモントフによる「The Sail」を朗読しました。「私は、もし私が同じ質問を日本の政治家にしてもらったら、せめて一人でもそのようなことができる政治家がいれば素晴らしいと思った」と彼女は語りました。

When Mr. Gorbachev appeared on her show in 2001, Ms. Kuroyanagi avoided politics. Instead, she asked him about his favorite poets, and he recited "The sail," by the 19th-century romantic poet Mikhail Lermontov. "I said I wished that if I asked such a question of any Japanese politician, it would be great if there was even one politician who could do that," she said.

年を重ねる中で、黒柳さんは自身の世代の課題に果敢に立ち向かってきました。彼女の番組が49年間放送されているTV Asahiのステージで、彼女は自分の世代の課題に正面から向き合ってきました。例えば、2016年に彼が亡くなる前に、黒柳さんは「上を向いて歩こう」の作詞家である永六輔氏とのインタビューを行いました。彼は車椅子に座って登場し、進行中のパーキンソン病の症状が明らかでした。黒柳さんは彼とその病気について率直に話し合いました。

As she has grown older, she has forthrightly faced the challenges of her own generation on the sound stage at TV Asahi, the home of her show for 49 years .Before his death in 2016, for example, Ms. Kuroyanagi interviewed Rokusuke Ei, the lyricist of the song "Sukiyaki." He appeared in a wheelchair, clearly showing symptoms of advaned Parkimson's disease. Ms. Kuroyanagi frankly discussed his illness with him.

京都の同志社女子大学文学部のメディア研究の教授であるTakahiko Kageyama氏は、「彼女の存在によって、高齢者は確かに励まされています」と述べました。

Old people are definitely encouraged by her presence," said Takahiko Kageyama, a professor of media studies at Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts in Kyoto.


With her speech noticeably slowed, Ms. Kuroyanagi said she was motivated to keep working to inspire older audiences. "To show that a person can appear on TV until I am 100 with a body that is OK and my mind still works," she said, "if I can show that, I think that would be an interesting experiment."